What is Robotic Process Automation? (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses software robots or bots to automate and streamline repetitive, rule-based tasks and processes within an organisation. These software robots can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, such as data entry, data extraction, document processing, calculations, and more.

colleagues working at project board with robot

What are the different types of RPA?

Basic RPA (RPA Level 1):

This level involves automating simple, rule-based tasks. Bots typically follow a set of predefined rules and instructions to complete tasks. They don’t have the ability to adapt or learn from experience. Basic RPA is well-suited for tasks like data entry, data migration, and simple data manipulation.

Enhanced RPA (RPA Level 2):

Enhanced RPA introduces some level of decision-making and basic cognitive abilities.

Bots at this level can handle more complex tasks, such as conditional statements and basic data validation. They may use simple logic or conditional statements to make decisions during the automation process. Enhanced RPA is suitable for tasks that require some judgment or data validation.

Cognitive RPA (RPA Level 3):

Cognitive RPA represents a higher level of automation with advanced cognitive capabilities.

Bots in this category can handle unstructured data, natural language processing (NLP), and more complex decision-making. They can analyse and extract information from documents, emails, and other sources of unstructured data. Cognitive RPA leverages machine learning and AI algorithms to make more informed decisions. This level is ideal for tasks that involve understanding and processing natural language, sentiment analysis, and complex data analysis.

Additionally, there are three classification for how RPA bots interact with human users and the level of human involvement. These are:

Attended RPA:

Attended RPA involves human-robot collaboration. In this scenario, RPA bots work alongside human users to automate tasks. Bots may run on an employee's workstation and assist with tasks while the employee is actively working. Attended RPA is typically used for tasks that require human judgment or intervention at various points during the automation process. Humans and bots work in tandem.

Unattended RPA:

Unattended RPA operates independently of human intervention. Bots run on dedicated servers or virtual machines and can perform tasks without direct human involvement.

Unattended RPA is suitable for fully automating repetitive, rule-based tasks that don't require human interaction.

Hybrid RPA:

Hybrid RPA combines elements of both attended and unattended RPA. Bots can operate independently, but they can also collaborate with human users as needed. This approach is used when there’s a mix of tasks that can be fully automated and those that require human judgment or intervention.

What are the key benefits of RPA?

  1. Operational efficiency: RPA can automate repetitive, rule-based tasks, such as data entry, data validation, and report generation, leading to significant improvements in operational efficiency.
  2. Cost reduction: By automating manual processes, financial services firms can reduce costs and eliminate human errors, ultimately lowering operational expenses. It also frees up colleagues to be deployed to areas in the business where they can add value.
  3. Accuracy and compliance: RPA bots perform tasks with a high level of accuracy and consistency, reducing the risk of errors in critical financial processes and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  4. Time savings: RPA enables faster task execution, leading to quicker transaction processing, faster customer service response times, and improved turnaround.
  5. Enhanced customer service: RPA can be used to handle routine customer enquiries, allowing humans to focus on more complex and value-added interactions, improving the overall customer experience.
  6. Scalability: Financial firms can easily scale RPA operations up or down to accommodate changes in workload or business expansion without significant infrastructure changes.
  7. 24/7 operations: RPA bots can work around the clock, providing uninterrupted service and support to clients, particularly in global financial markets.
  8. Risk management: RPA can assist in risk assessment, monitoring, and compliance by automating data analysis and reporting for risk management and regulatory purposes.
  9. Data management: RPA can help with data extraction, validation, and consolidation, making it easier to manage large volumes of financial data efficiently.
  10. Integration with legacy systems: RPA can be integrated with existing legacy systems, allowing organisations to leverage automation without the need for extensive IT overhauls.

What are the main disadvantages of RPA?

  1. Implementation costs: Setting up an RPA system, including purchasing software and training staff, can be expensive, and the return on investment may take some time to realise.
  2. Complexity of integration: Integrating RPA with existing legacy systems, databases, and software applications can be complex and time-consuming. This integration process may require specialist skills and expertise.
  3. Maintenance and software updates: RPA bots and software require ongoing maintenance and updates to remain effective and secure. This maintenance can add to the total cost of ownership.
  4. Limited decision-making ability: RPA is rule-based and lacks the cognitive abilities of humans. It can’t make complex decisions, interpret unstructured data, or adapt to situations outside its predefined rules.
  5. Dependency on IT support: While RPA is designed to be user-friendly, it still requires IT support for troubleshooting issues, managing software updates, and resolving technical problems.
  6. Data security risks: RPA systems interact with sensitive financial data. If not properly secured, these systems can be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats and data breaches.
  7. Failure to meet expectations: If not properly configured or if expectations are set too high, RPA implementations may fall short of delivering the expected benefits, leading to disappointment.
  8. Human oversight: Some financial processes may still require human judgment and oversight, which can be difficult to incorporate into an RPA system.
  9. Rigidity in process change: RPA is most effective when automating well-defined, stable processes. If processes change frequently, maintaining and updating RPA bots can be challenging.
  10. Lack of creativity and innovation: RPA is not capable of creative problem-solving or innovation, which are crucial for certain aspects of financial services

How can you mitigate the risks of RPA?

  1. Risk assessment and prioritisation: Begin by conducting a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential risks and their impact on your financial processes.Prioritise processes for automation based on their risk level. Start with lower-risk processes to gain experience before automating high-risk, mission-critical functions.
  2. Regulatory compliance: Ensure that RPA implementations comply with relevant regulatory requirements. Stay informed about industry-specific regulations and guidelines and involve compliance experts in RPA projects.
  3. Security measures: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. Establish strict data handling policies to safeguard sensitive financial data that RPA processes may access.
  4. Data Privacy and confidentiality: Establish clear data privacy and confidentiality policies and ensure RPA processes adhere to these policies. Anonymise or mask sensitive data when possible, to limit exposure.
  5. Change management: Communicate with colleagues about the goals and benefits of RPA to address concerns and foster a culture of support. Provide training to colleagues who will work with RPA systems.
  6. Human oversight: Recognise situations where human judgment and intervention are necessary. Ensure that RPA systems can be easily overridden or paused by human operators when needed.
  7. Transparency and auditability: Maintain detailed audit logs to track RPA actions and transactions. This provides transparency and accountability for both compliance and troubleshooting purposes.
  8. Scalability and monitoring: Continuously monitor and assess the performance and scalability of RPA systems to ensure they can handle increased workloads and remain effective over time.
  9. Vendor selection: Choose reputable RPA software vendors and service providers with a strong track record in the financial services industry. Perform due diligence on the security and compliance capabilities of your RPA vendors.
  10. Disaster recovery and continuity: Develop and test disaster recovery and business continuity plans that account for potential RPA system failures or disruptions.
  11. Documentation and knowledge transfer: Maintain comprehensive documentation of RPA processes, configurations, and business rules to ensure continuity in case of staff turnover or vendor changes.
female professional smiling writing on glass project board

Robotic Process Automation from Target