The FCA’s Dear CEO letter issued in May 2021 clearly identified common control failings in anti-money laundering frameworks. It appears many enterprises aren’t meeting regulator expectations when it comes to tackling financial crime. Are they inept at tackling sophisticated crime or more interested in turning a blind eye? Putting commercial interests before safeguarding customers and the financial ecosystem. 

In this white paper you'll discover:

  • Why Financial Crime is on the rise 

  • The FCA Principles on Financial Crime

  • Why financial services need to regain the trust of customers

  • If your legacy infrastructure is giving law breakers the upper hand

  • How to scale up without increasing costs

  • Why a digital threat requires a digital response

  • The impact of the 'war on talent'

  • Financial Crime monitoring as a managed service

Use this quick form to get the white paper and stay ahead of the criminals.